Monday, March 29, 2010

Maximize the Chaos


I am sorry to say that it has been over two weeks since I last wrote anything. (I feel like I am giving confession...) Anyway, the last couple of weeks have been busy at the Mecca. So busy, in fact, that I don't know where to begin.

I will start by telling you that the Mecca is now in new its new digs. However, we had some moving issues. Needless to say, the well oiled machine that is the Mecca was supposed to move last October, but couldn't quite get to it. I guess that things could have been worse.

Listing these issues will likely finish out the post.

1) Our sign is pink. Apparently despite the fact that the Mayor personally welcomed the Mecca to his city (odd, since we moved from across town), the City may tell us to take down our sign on account of it being too pink.

2) We were supposed to have a security system with lots of pretty swipe cards and crap. It turns out the leasing company we were working with decided that we didn't have enough credit for the card readers, so they rationed the keys to the early risers.

3) They held the grand opening only five days after moving in. To add to the drama, they invited a foreign head of state, who actually showed. Apparently, they tried to get the Governator as well, but the notice was too short. Perhaps he will be able to come to our closing party - Hasta la vista, baby.

4) Despite the fact that the overall size of the facility is twice the size of the old place, the engineering lab is half the size. And, they want to build product in the engineering lab.

5) The Used Car Salesman (he used to do sales, now he's the head of finance) spends hours every day fighting with the post office over what our address is. Technically, we have two, but the one he wants to use seems to show up on the other side of town when you use Google Maps.

6) The contractors are still doing renovations.

7) The fire department comes to visit routinely to tell us that we are storing our chemicals improperly, and haven't gotten all of the necessary permits. They haven't started bringing in their axes.

8) They scheduled a product shipment four days after we moved in to the new facility.

9) Apparently, nobody noticed that the building is built on a flood plain.

10) There is no loading dock. Large deliveries must be made through a patio, and down a walkway of patio stones.

Needless to say, it wasn't the best though out move ever. It is actually a nice building, but alas, having a nice building isn't going to turn the Mecca into a decent company. It's still a company who's core competency is generating press releases in order to convince investors to pony up more money.

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